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Now available the full text of the opus "A State-by State account of the introduction of the European Company" that was published in Germany (De Gruyter Reicht) under the scientific coordination of Pr C. TEICHMAN (Germany) and K. OPLUSTIL (Poland).

This work came after almost two years of discussions and meetings.

For probably factual reasons, this huge ans scientific publication isn't mentioned in main of the official publications, i.e. Mrs Lenoir's report about the SE.

I contributed to the presentation of the implementation of the text that was pending in France as the author of a Phd Thesis that was related to the last version of the SE finaly adopted in Europe and as the coordinator of a team of lawyers working in France under Senator's JG BRANGER and JJ HYEST's direction.

The captioned document is a unique and necessary overview of the national legislations about the Societas Europaea.

National "tips and tricks" could be found behind the text and let the reader think about more integration in both social and company law in Europe.

The book is a guide line, that could be of some use in order to understand and follow the national legislations on the subject matter.

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